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How To Deal With “The Shifts”

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When my father passed away, I went through the “normal” grieving process. Sadness, anger, isolation, and finally. Well, I have not gotten to that point yet. There was a part of the process that I didn’t find out until later, it was a spiritual shift. There are lots of reasons a shift can happen, it might even be positive in some cases. Death is neither a positive or negative shift, it’s neutral, meaning you just really have to readjust your life and energy to deal with the loss. In my case, the spiritual shift had to do with my father, who was a positive source of love, affection, and validation not being on this earth with me anymore.

I realize that I was very dependent on him when it came to my need to feel loved. Which made sense. Because I am an only child, I am used to being the center of someone’s world. Not having him here in the material world actually helped me grow up. I had to learn who to rely on my self-love and acceptance. I could no longer rely on my dad to coddle me, yet, by seeking a stronger connection with Creator I was able to connect with my father as well as my ancestors in the spiritual plane.

Like I said death is a neutral shift, it will happen to everyone and soon you will cause a shift in your passing. There are some shifts that aren’t expected, positive and negative:

Negative Shift: A negative shift is a shift that causes an imbalance in your energy. It affects the way you function and can be a big distraction to your connection to Creator. A good example would be a toxic relationship. Say you have a friend or lover who seems to take advantage of your giving nature. They never give back or feel entitled to your generosity and when you call them out on it they accuse YOU of being the selfish one. How does this cause a negative shift? First, let take in the fact that relationships of any kind should be mutual, emotionally speaking.

Of course, we don’t do kind things for the sake of getting a reward of some kind, but we do need to remember that we cannot neglect our needs as well. That being said, when you continuously give to someone who is ungrateful or doesn’t seem too interested in reciprocating your kindness, we can feel resentful, tired, lonely, and forget to take care of ourselves because we center all our energy on those who simply do not care.

Positive Shift: These are the kinds of shifts we pray for, love, financial security, good health, and more. These shifts are a result of sticking to Creator’s blueprint and avoiding things that distract us. This isn’t to say to stick your nose up at people who don’t follow the same path as you (that’s mean). You can still love and pray for that person but they don’t have to be in your space. Sometimes the negative shifts are lessons to prepare us for a huge positive shift. Personally, I feel that that’s true for me, as I went through plenty of negative shifts. Once I learned to talk to, and even more important, listen to Creator I was able to feel the positive shifts and do things I never thought would come to be. Including this blog.

Ways to Deal With Shifts:

Pray. Seems obvious right? Not really. Sometimes we become so overwhelmed we forget that Creator has the solution that we haven’t ask for yet. In my previous blog, Don’t Forget To Pray, I wrote about why we need to remember that the soul is a tool to connect to Creator. He is the one who made that soul of course. Like I said in the last post, Creator is not a pushy entity. He cannot work on our situation unless we open our spiritual gate and allow Him in. He’s polite like that.

Be Aware. Everyone is an empath to some degree. Some are more spiritually aware than others. For those who want to be more aware, they might still have trouble recognizing when a shift is happening. It’s easy for one to be thrown off the path. So it’s very important to study and practice centering yourself. That way when you feel a shift coming it’ll be more apparent because you’ll be aware of how you are usually centered. When it’s a negative shift, you must analyze whether this shift is meant to help you learn a lesson or cause your soul harm. Don’t get the two mixed up, it can happen when you listen to your ego. When we want something to be a lesson and end up putting more into it than you should have. Which leads me to my last point.

Learn to let go. This one is a doozy because some of this comes with age and some trial and error. With age, we learn to prioritize things according to how old we are (this doesn’t really apply to old souls). For example, as a teen, you are interested in having friends and being accepted by your peers. But, when you do that in your mid 20’s early 30’s, it gets kind of sad. At that point, you should understand that everyone isn’t going to like you and a few quality friends are better than hundreds of friends who you can’t rely on.

Trial and error are inevitable, we are human and this will happen even when we are old and grey. However, we would have grown to a point where we nip things in the bud. It happened to me not too long ago, when I moved to Atlanta, I met a man I used to date back in college. I was not really interested in him and he threw me off with his vibe. Now that I’m older and made some personal changes I would see if it was worth giving another shot…it wasn’t. He never changed, I took a vow of celibacy and he didn’t seem to care, I slipped up. But I have to forgive myself for falling off the trail and was glad I was able to get back on track and continue with my journey.

We will go through many shifts in this life, it’s not the shifts themselves that hold us back or push us forward, but how we decide to deal with them.


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