Mercury is in retrograde.
So what? Well while the planets do tend to ben out of alignment from time to time, Mercury, the planet of communication and thinking, can cause some problems if you aren’t aware of the meaning. So what does it mean? SLOW DOWN!! This is a time to reflect on big decisions (marriage, kids, real-estate, changing jobs) and practice on how to communicate better with someone you may not be able to get some clarity from( partner, boss, parent/child). In some cases concerning communication, it’s not that you’re bad at talking, some people are bad at listening. When it comes to thinking, one can be extra about something and not really think about the consequences of such a huge decision. As for the chaos surrounding us, it’s all connected; when you’re thinking is off you might feel as though everything around you is off, and you would be right. This can cause conflict with your relationships if there was some misunderstandings to begin with, which can make things even more off.
This retrograde happens every few months, for now it’s from January 5th-25th and will pop up again in April, but this isn’t a bad thing, it just means we all have to step back and not be in such a rush to do so much.