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Letting Creator Use You

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One night I went out with a friend, the night was still young so we sat in the car a talked. I haven’t opened up to anyone about my past or beliefs in a long time. Most of my chatter was about how Creator led me to the path I’m on now. I wasn’t imposing my beliefs on him, just being honest about my journey. After a while I started thinking about when I first started on this path and how I was told I have the gift of providence, or letting Creator use you as a vessel to reach out to those who may need Him but can’t find Him because they’re too wrapped up in the ways of the world. I realize I attract the brokenhearted, the lost souls, the discouraged and the lonely. Why? Because that’s my job on this physical plane; it’s the gift Creator gave me. Everyone had a spiritual gift that is for a greater purpose, when I say “Let Creator use you,” I don’t mean He possesses your body like a ghost. You actually need to give Him permission first, once you give Him access to your soul he will reveal that gift from within and utilize it to it’s full potential.

Of course, should you decide that Creator can use you, you must be mindful of the many distractions such as:

Negative People: For me this cannot be avoided, negative people gravitate towards me because I have something they lack. If you too have been given a gift where negative people seek you out, remember your mission and try not to get involved. Sometimes their negativity can be overpowering and you need to bow out with grace. It’s because you stopped caring, it’s because self-care is important.

Ego: This is difficult because while the ego is a part of you and it can be useful in some situations, using the ego to ALL the decisions can be dangerous. Sometimes you fall into a habit that might not be good for you, your ego tell you, “But it feels good, so why not?” Some things can be pleasurable on the surface but can take a toll on your spiritual health. Don’t let the ways of the physical plane lead you off of your path. Always trust that what Creator has set out for you is beyond human understanding.

One important thing, if you don’t feel like this is something you want to do, it’s fine. People are like books, some are still on the first chapter and some may be on the 6th chapter. Everyone’s path is different, so never feel like this is some “my way is the right way” kind of post. If you do feel as if there’s more to life than just what can be seen, it doesn’t hurt to at least try, there’s a gift inside all of us…Let Creator use you.



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