So, I’ve been looking for new work and a new company where my talents would not only help people, but I can be creative and actually apply my ideas. In the meantime I have been sulking, going through my little phase of being tightly wound and maybe….a little lazy. I go back and at what brought me here: The praying, the circle of supportive friends and family and the one thing I needed to do but didn’t. BE PATIENT.
I am often reminded of those three little words in the Bible, “Peace be still. Why? Because no matter how many times I pray a day, or job searches I do none of it will work because my fear and anxiety is making it dang near impossible for Creator to help me. Fear blocks out our ability to think clearly, fear creates scenarios in our heads that are 20x’s worse than what is actually happening and making a decision based on fear is never a good idea because it’s takes you from a inconvenient situation that will work itself out over time to a situation that is a lot harder to get out of had you just relax and let it take it’s course.
Creator power is also reliant on our ability to trust Him and open our hearts to him. When we are knee deep in fear it’s a form of distrust. You have already, in your soul, decided that your situation is hopeless and therefore you’ve already rejected help from Creator. We are co-creators of the physical plane, while Creator directs us to the paths that will help us grow, we must remember that even the hard times serve a purpose and they only way to see that purpose is to trust in Creator and know you’re simply transitioning to the next blessing.