Here are the few things I see on social media, and the thoughts I have when reading them:
1. “Why can’t I find a good man/woman, dudes/chicks are lame now.”
Well, you already have a chip on your shoulder. So I figure you either date really good people and then you dump them because you try to find something wrong with them. Or you purposely date losers, both reasons being that you need your bias to be true.
Why? Because of insecurity. See, sometimes we choose things that aren’t good for us because deep down we think we don’t deserve anything better. In turn, we blame those things for our bad luck and play the perpetual victim.
2. “I have no one to hang out with, I have no friends.”
Oh spare me the bull! This person is an a**hole. They never reach out to anyone and when someone does invite them out, they flake. After a while people stop wasting their time trying to include them in everything only to be rejected. So now this jerk complains about not having friends after declining multiple invites. Some people may take the bait, but others know better to give into this tripe.
You don’t have friends because you’re fake.
3. The “woke” douchebag
Man or woman, you know someone like this. They are always posting about “love and light” on social media but you never see them practice any of that in real life. They like to into a monologue about unity and stolen lines from Deepak Chopra, yet have an undeserved sense of entitlement. And when called out on their bull, they turn the tables and throw a hissy fit. Not very zen bro.
With girls, the whole free-spirited gypsy star-child bit is just posting nudes on social media. That’s it. You can’t say how shallow and predictable it is because you’ll be accused of slut-shaming. It’s not about the nudity itself, it’s just that doing the same thing everyone else is doing in an attempt to look “edgy” is just another desperate attempt at getting attention. I guess when you lack a personality, that would be your go-to.
*Note: this doesn’t apply to actual models, co-players or artists.
So there’s my little rant for the day. If you don’t know anyone like the people I just described…maybe it’s you.