For the past three months, COVID-19 has caused a standstill around the world and in the United States. You may have heard of new vocabulary such as “social distancing,” “quarantine,” and “lockdown.” Many people have either lost their jobs or are essential employees. Some people are working from home. Everyone is encouraged to stay home or wear a mask if they need to go out in public. Initially, the lockdown has been pretty smooth. People have become creative doing things like virtual parties, using Zoom to speak with coworkers and live DJ streams. But now, people are getting restless and long to go back to a time where going to a friend’s house was the norm.
One thing I have noticed is that people are becoming more and more aggressive and sensitive. I remember the days when people were able to agree to disagree. A time where one’s political or religious affiliations were irrelevant and you just got along with people. But now because of social media and forced isolation, it seems that people are going off the deep end. Everything is offensive to everyone. If you don’t agree with the status quo then you get attacked, blocked, or shamed. The psychology behind this behavior during lockdown is fascinating. The amount of egotism is astounding. People would rather be right than have a discussion using critical thinking skills. Going back and forth like children on a playground.
The Human Condition
It’s really like watching caged animals fight for the last piece of raw meat. I believe as humans, having meaningful interpersonal relationships is important. Yet, social media is creating an environment where friendship is dependent on agreeing with each other. Instead of embracing the fact that not everyone is going to think the same. COVID-19 is changing everything and everyone is on edge because we don’t know what that change will be. Our economy, our livelihoods, and our future is a big question mark.
At this time, we need to step back from the computer and take a deep breath. Approach this situation with compassion, love, and empathy. Quit arguing with each other on social media over petty things that really don’t matter. There’s no point if you’re not going to get up and demand our government make changes to actually help citizens, then why sit on the couch and whine about it? We as a country, as human beings need to realize this is everyone’s problem and start making moves. Because at this point we’re all living in captivity. No one’s situation is better than the other.