1. Lack of motivation.
2. Feeling tired even when you been sleeping.
3. Not able to turn your mind off a night.
4. An overwhelming feeling of dread or hopelessness.
5. Feeling guilt or shame.
If this sounds like you, then you may be mentally or emotionally exhausted. This is called running on fumes and it sucks. That’s where I am now. I don’t know what more I can do in my search for work. There are some things I still do like writing and trying to learn something new. But the motivation is hanging on by a thread. If I give up I might miss an opportunity, if I keep going then I might burn myself out completely. It’s a lose-lose situation at this point. I’ve been praying and the message that I get is that it’s a process and even though what I am doing doesn’t seem like much it will work itself out when the dust clears.
Patience is definitely a virtue here. I have to trust in Creator that everything will work out. But it’s so difficult. I am trying my best not to get discouraged and deep down I know that I will succeed. I hate waiting but it’s necessary and I don’t want to let anyone or myself down.
If anyone else feels like they aren’t doing enough even though. You are doing great. Don’t let the fear take over you. Know that even though the world seems chaotic and life doesn’t feel like it’s going to get better. It will. The last supermoon of the year will be May 7th and I have a feeling this is an end to an era.
This is just like 100 years ago in the 1920s. When the economy was crippling and people were getting sick left and right. Many events will take place this summer but it will all be part of the shift. Even if it’s something you may not agree with. Just surrender to the process and you will see everything come together.
If you are feeling exhausted right now, don’t worry. Take some time to do the things you enjoy. Take a bubble bath, call a friend for a laugh, or read a book you’ve been meaning to finish. Everything doesn’t have to be a big push to the finish line.
Everything is going to be okay. You’re going to be fine.