So first off, COVID-19. I actually got COVID on my 30th birthday in 2020. It’s definitely not like the flu, but I made it through. Throughout the lockdown, I was once again unemployed. Thankfully I was able to get unemployment. However, the lockdown had me thinking about what I wanted to do in the future.
I really don’t like my job.
It’s constantly chasing after freelance gigs for temporary work that pays lousy and no benefits. I’m 31 now and I decided to do some research in ht e medical field. There are a lot of interesting jobs in the field that only require a 2-year degree. The one that caught my eye was diagnostic medical sonography. Otherwise known as ultrasound.
So, I found a school near home that was accredited and had everything I needed. I enrolled for the class of 2022. It’s now August and I am already learning how to scan a heart and the abdomen. I will be doing my clinical by January.
And that pretty much explains why I haven’t been writing as much. As well as an episode of depression that came with the isolation. Overall, I have been quite busy and I really enjoy going back to school and learning again. It’s challenging and helps me grow as a person. For once I feel as though I am truly manifesting my reality.
I never wanted to be in marketing, it was something that I fell into because I really wanted a job and I wasn’t confident enough to go for what I really wanted. I am grateful for all the things I learned as a content manager and writer. But I much rather write for fun like now. In hindsight, working in digital marketing sort of helped me realized I like working with technology. Since sonography is a way of using tech in the medical field, it just made sense.
I am really excited about what the future has for me. I just finished two midterms and I already have to prepare for a final. It feels great to find something that is fulfilling and gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. I’m still working as a content manager just to pay the bills. Of course, this means I will still have to hustle unless I can find steady work at a store. Everyone wants full-time workers, so finding part-time work hasn’t been easy.
Sorry for not updating sooner, hopefully, I will take some more time to write more.