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Stopping The Cycle And The Follow Through

There are times in life where we want to give up and start over. Some people manage to do just that, over and over again. Being able to restart your life, run off to a different place and start from scratch. It can create the problems with not being able to follow through with important things. This means that you are stuck repeating the same pattern. Stunting your spiritual growth and when you get to a certain point, you press the reset button and start again. Only to repeat the cycle once more.

Here are a few ways you can change your behavioral patterns, so you can move on to the next level in your journey:

  • Figure out the “why” – The cycle can’t exist without a catalyst. Small patterns like your morning routine are pretty standard, but more daunting patterns like self-destructive behavior (sex addiction, drugs, toxic relationships) can be the result of some heavy trauma. The trauma triggers something in the person that causes them to stuck in a loop and because they never resolved that area in their life. It creates a block which makes it difficult to push forward.
  • Getting your hands dirty – Now that found the source of your cycle, it’s time to start building yourself up for the next level. This will be the painful part of your journey, but the most rewarding. Personally, this is when I seek out help from Creator to help with giving me some direction. It’s different for everyone. So don’t feel like you’re not getting anywhere if you see others ahead of you.
  • Accept that the process will be difficult – Sometimes I have trouble with this one. We understand that things take time but in certain situations, we might feel desperate and anxious. Because we want things to turn around quickly, we get impatient and even fearful. We must accept that things aren’t going to turn around overnight. A good way to do this is to practice gratitude. If we can point out the things that we are grateful for, it puts our situation in perspective.

I could go on, but there are probably thousands of blogs that go into deeper detail. Just remember that in order for things in your life to change, your way of thinking must change first.

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