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What I Learned About Relationships

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So, I learned some things about love that really opened my eyes. Love takes a lot of effort to maintain. I think the reason a lot of people give up on love so quickly is because they only rely on the feeling of love. That euphoric feeling you get in the beginning of the relationship. Over time that feeling fades away as you get to know your partner more. Many people give up on the relationship because the “spark” is gone. That doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed. In fact, it means the relationship has reached a new plateau.

Some of the things I learned about maintaining a relationship is making time for your partner. While you may live with your partner or are around your partner, how much quality time are you really spending together? Jack works a demanding job as an estimator. So, we try to schedule time to sit down and talk. Making open and honest communication a priority gives us a chance to talk about our wants and needs. This creates intimacy which strengthens the bond we have.

Another thing I want to practice more is gratitude. In a relationship, you make sacrifices and compromise. You go out of our way to do things for our partner and they do the same for you. So, it’s important to acknowledge those little and big things to show that they add value to your life.

There will be conflicts;  that’s part of maintaining a relationship. Learn how to argue effectively to resolve any disagreements and so you and your partner can feel heard.

It’s not something that will happen overnight and it’s a lot of hard work. But when you truly love someone, all the hard is worth it.




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